Our family recently made our annual trip to Ottawa to visit grandma and grandpa. Max already remembers their house as the place with the frog pond. As usual, Grandma's pond did not disappoint. This year Grandma had a huge frog living in the pond (unfortunately we did not capture it on camera), which she and dad had affectionately named Hannibal the cannibal - Hanna for short. This was because mom claimed that the frog bit her and that it preyed on other frogs in the pond. We were skeptical. It sounded like a typically exaggerated James story. Our disbelief was confirmed when mother called us over to watch Hanna "hunting". Hanna was sitting in the proximity of another smaller frog. We all sat quietly waiting for the kill.
Mother: See how she is sitting perfectly still. She is stalking.
Gus: The other frog is also sitting perfectly still. Is it stalking too?
It turns out frogs spend a great deal of time sitting perfectly still. Hanna made no move on the frog and we were convinced that she was harmless. But Grandma and Hanna both had the last laugh.
The next day Max and Dad were hanging out around the pond catching frogs. Max really enjoyed the frogs and he was standing at the edge with his toes hanging out over the edge of a rock. Out of nowhere Hanna shot out of the pond and swallowed his entire big toe. Max cried out in shock and Gus looked over to see him shake his foot with a huge frog hanging on for dear life. Max shook her free, but he had deep red marks on his toe to prove that she had attacked. Grandma was vindicated.
Max was very tough about the whole incident and spent a great deal of time showing off his battle wounds. I suggested he may not want to admit that he came out the worse for wear in a battle with a frog.
Max holding a frog. Obviously this one is not Hanna. |
Max and Dar in front of the pond wearing ridiculously large flowers as hats. |
Ada and Grandma relaxing at the pond. |
Besides frogs the kids also spent a great deal of time with Karli cats new kittens. Max was especially in love with them and spent his time chasing them around. The little black and white kitten was his favorite. Gus and I were harassed more than once to take the kitten home. I would have caved but Gus's will was made of iron.
Max with his favorite kitten. |
The only Calico in this litter |
Max and Dar playing with the kittens...unfortunately you can't see the kittens, but the kids looked cute. |
Darwyn really loved all of the flowers in Grandma Sandi's yard. She would have picked every single one had she been allowed. At the end of the visit she and Grandma went around the yard and picked a bouquet together to take home with us. Darwyn looked after it the whole way home and even brought it out half way when we stopped to eat our picnic.
Dar's bouquet |
Pond lilies on the way home. This one is for you mom. |
A random picture of Max and Dar's marble tower creation. |
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