- mama
- dada
- Anne (Max's cousin, Sue & Jeff's new baby)
- hot
- no
- bottle
- birdie
- done
- nana (banana, also means "can I have some food?")
- up
- down
Tonight, sitting with me in the dark, he combined two words together for the first time. I gave him a sip of water from his sippy-cup to soothe his cough. He asked for his bottle, which always has soy milk. (Apparently he wanted milk instead of water.) I told him that his bottle's done and he repeated:
- bottle done
"That's right!" I cheered. "All done," which he also repeated:
- all done
Of course, his pronunciation leaves much to be desired. It's often difficult to tell what he's saying, though tonight his pronunciation of "done" was especially clear.
He has not yet said a word that contains "s", such as "sleep" or "soother". I suspect this is no coincidence -- "s" is probably a harder sound to make at a young age.
He's also fond of making several sounds, such as:
- roar! (like a lion or bear)
- meow! (cat, in case it's not obvious)
- whooo! (like an owl)
- blether-blether-blether (a fun sound made by sticking out the tongue)
It's too bad Greta and I are not equipped to teach Max any other languages.