Max and Darwyn colouring

Max and Darwyn colouring

Sunday, September 30, 2012

There's another Darwyn out there somewhere

Our neighbour remarked yesterday that she knows another female Darwyn.  (Same spelling and all!)  Apparently, the name is Gaelic.  The woman bearing the name is currently in her fifties.  She's a daughter of a friend of our neightbour.  That's all we know about her.

This is the first we've ever heard of another female named Darwyn.  The baby name wizard has no entry for the name.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Dawryn moves into Max's room

Last night we slept Darwyn in Max's bedroom for the first time.  I can't believe how well it worked.

Max awoke at 10:30pm with a nightmare, screaming for mommy and daddy at the top of his lungs.  I went in, comforted him, and tucked him back into bed.  Darwyn slept like a log through the whole episode.

Darwyn awoke at 3am for her usual feeding.  Greta went to get her and Max never stirred.

Given the propensity our children have for waking at the slightest noise outside their rooms, (e.g. dog shaking, toilet flushing, door closing, etc.) I'm rather shocked to see that each of them sleeps so soundly while the other screams in the adjacent bed.

Here's hoping every other night goes as smoothly as last night.