Max and Darwyn colouring

Max and Darwyn colouring

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

"My moon fell on my head."

Stuck to the underside of Max's cool bed are several glow-in-the-dark stars and a glow-in-the-dark moon.  The sticky tape used to adhere these objects to the bed is failing and every once in a while an object falls onto Max's mattress below.  At one point I idly thought to myself, "Gee, I hope nothing falls on him in the middle of the night, or we're in for a scream-fest."

Tonight, shortly after bedtime, Greta went to investigate some suspicious sounds coming from Max's bedroom -- sounds suggesting little hands attempting to open a child-locked door in the dark, a feat that is difficult for Max but not impossible.  Greta and I are quite strict with enforcing bedtime.  When something like this happens, Max gets about five seconds to explain himself before he is curtly shooed back into bed.  Often his explanations don't make sense, or he just cries.  Tonight he was calm, collected, and ready with an explanation:

"My moon fell on my head."

Pretty good excuse to be out of bed, I guess.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Semi-monthly photo update

We've accumulated some good pictures over the past couple months.  Still very busy with no time to write good blog posts to accompany the pictures.  We're in Ottawa right now visiting Gramma Sandi and Grampa Lee.  Darwyn rolled over for the first time yesterday and today.  Details to follow in future posts.  Mean time, enjoy the pictures.
Max and Darwyn sleeping in one fine morning.  If you look closely you can see Darwyn smiling in her sleep.
"Max, do NOT kick Shaky."
Strawberry blonde
Darwyn supervises the processing of strawberries.  We made 50 jars of jam, two strawberry pies, and still had some leftover for freezing.
Finally caught Darwyn laughing on film
Hailey always makes Darwyn laugh
This guy's name isn't great, but it's good enough.
Grampa G with cousin Anne and baby Darwyn
The latest in a fine series of grandchild-playing-cards-with-grandpa photos.  Darwyn is not impressed with Grandpa's prospects this hand.

Daddy is doing some digging in the back yard.  Max offered to help.

Chute's a little cold today!
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