Max and Darwyn colouring

Max and Darwyn colouring

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

But everybody likes me!

We have mice in the attic...and now mice in the kitchen.  The kids love catching them in the live trap.
After awhile of staring at the terrified mouse refusing to eat her cheese Ada was offering her, she turned to Darwyn and observed in an incredulous tone, "Darwyn, I don't think this mouse likes us."

"Of course he doesn't like us!" Darwyn exclaimed "We've trapped him in a cage he can't get out of."

Ada: Oh.

Happy Halloween

This Halloween is better told with photos:

The whole family

Did you need a closer look?  

The kids absolutely loved Gus and my costumes.  They spent the whole night calling me daddy and Gus mommy.  Ada was particularly thrilled with the switch.  The neighbors were a mixed bag.  Half of them loved it.  The other half started by smiling and commenting on how cute the kids were, but their faces quickly turned to horror as their eyes drifted upwards to Gus's smiling face.  But Gus and I had a riot making terrible jokes all evening at the other genders expense.  

Pumpkin farm 1

Pumpkin farm 2

pumpkin farm 3

Help mom!  He loves me!

fall leaves

Jose purchased pumpkin carving stencils and fancy tools so our pumpkins were a cut above this year.

Ada's Halloween pumpkin

Max and Darwyn's pumpkins
Ada really got Halloween for the first time this year.  She stared wide eyed as each household gave her candy just because she said trick or treat and then we went home and she got to eat a whole bunch of it!  The next day when Ada woke up the first thing she asked was "Mom, how long until Halloween again?"

Darwyn promptly replied "Oh forget Halloween Ada.  That's ages away.  Now we focus on Christmas!"  Sigh....

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Read lots, keep active

Here's how Max reads books these days:

He's into the Percy Jackson books by Rick Riordan.  Yesterday he finished The Lost Hero.  We checked that book out of the library on Wednesday.  That's 550+ pages in 60 hours.  His other big passion these days is swinging on his rope in the backyard.  (Thanks to Ted for capturing this wild animal behaviour on video.)