Max and Darwyn colouring

Max and Darwyn colouring

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Read lots, keep active

Here's how Max reads books these days:

He's into the Percy Jackson books by Rick Riordan.  Yesterday he finished The Lost Hero.  We checked that book out of the library on Wednesday.  That's 550+ pages in 60 hours.  His other big passion these days is swinging on his rope in the backyard.  (Thanks to Ted for capturing this wild animal behaviour on video.)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I love that so much! I really identify. As a kid, we had these carpet covered cubes that were 50 cm on a side. I would stand on and balance and rotate the cube to travel around the house and sometimes I would stand and to do that while I was reading (although, the books I read were seldom that big until I was quite a bit older). I had forgotten until I saw This video.
