Max and Darwyn colouring

Max and Darwyn colouring

Friday, December 28, 2018

Ada makes us laugh

A couple cute stories from Ada recently:

Gus was up in the middle of the night working in the office.  Ada got up to go to the bathroom.  He could hear he on the toilet through the office wall talking to herself. 

Ada: When I grow up I am going to wipe my own bum.  When I grow up I am going to eat sour cream.  When I grow up....


Ada came to Gus in the kitchen and asked him where her snack bowl was. 

Gus:  Weren't you just eating from it at the computer.  Did you check if it is in the office?

Ada: Yes.

Gus: Are you sure?

Ada: Yes

Gus: (In an accusing tone) If I go in there and I find it sitting on the desk, what will I get?

Long pause.

Ada:  (slowly and simply so that her dense father can understand)  A bowl.