Max and Darwyn colouring

Max and Darwyn colouring

Friday, August 31, 2018

Happy Birthday and Happy Birthday and Happy Birthday to you!

Ok so I have 3 kids and I'm getting lazy, so I'm writing one blog post for all 3 kids birthdays (and a little late at that).  Each was a hit.  Darwyn chose a fashion themed party this year.  The kids designed their own costumes and put on a fashion show.  It was a good excuse to make some adults dress up in stupid costumes too (see photos).  Dar had a lovely lady in a gown cake that she and Anne decorated.  Note the unfortunately placement of decals on the barbie's chest. 

Max's birthday party was a games themed party.  We downloaded a escape room kit online, but the story turned out to be really weird .  For one puzzle Ted and I had the puzzle (aimed at 8-10 year olds) and the answer sheet and we still couldn't figure out what was going on.  Also, the whole thing was all paper and pencil activities and we wanted a little more sparkle.  Ted and I modified it and gave roles to all the adults.  There was drama, custom computer programs, including giant count downs on all the computer screens and puzzles a plenty.  It was definitely epic.   I am trying to make a spiffy edited video of the whole event which I may or may not manage to post here in the future. Also, special recognition goes to Jose for Max's amazing birthday cake with a magic the gathering theme for those of you that don't recognize it.

Finally, Ada's waited very patiently for her birthday.  She attended both Max's and Darwyn's parties before her own and asked us over and over when her birthday was.  She started telling anyone who would listen that her birthday was at the end of May.  We kept it simple.  The kids decorated a pink train cake and jumped in a bouncy castle.  And, of course, they opened presents.  Ada spent the entire week preceding her birthday asking who we could invite and clarifying that each of the new people would bring her a present. Ugh!  Max and Darwyn didn't even get presents at her age.