Max and Darwyn colouring

Max and Darwyn colouring

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Kittens....from a long time ago.

Note:  I wrote this post in the fall, but didn't post it because I hadn't gone through the photos.  I've added a few now!

Mom and dad (not so) recently came to visit Waterloo.  It was nice to see them, but even better was the litter of kittens they brought with them!  Max and Darwyn LOVED the kittens as did many of the neighbourhood kids.  They would come into visit the kittens and then call home to beg their parents for one.  Needless to say they were not successful. Max spent hours sitting next to the kitten box lovingly caressing (the kittens might have seen this activity slightly differently) the kittens.  He begged us for a kitten.  He also was not successful.  If we are lucky Pepper will have another batch of kittens in the spring before Mom and Dad get around to getting her spayed.  (Note: we were not lucky.)  Anyway, enjoy the photos.  You can see an entire album from mom and dad's visit here.

Pepper Cat (when she was quite a bit younger)

Darwyn and kitten

Grandma, Max and Kittens

Nice picture of Grandma

Nice picture of Grandpa

Darwyn and Grandpa at the Rockwood ruins

Grandma and Max at the Rockwood ruins

My children way too high up for my comfort.
 They apparently just had to see inside that cave.