Max and Darwyn colouring

Max and Darwyn colouring

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Fall photos

Just a photo update.  Enjoy!

Darwyn spent the entire walk at the river with her head perpendicular to her
body staring up at the orange leaves.  Eventually she fell asleep.

Oh Canada

Max loves Darwyn a little too much.

The dangers of letting your children associate with the relatives.

Max and Anne spent a while helping Grandma plant flowers.  Between the two of them I don't think there were any flowers left on the plant by the time it was in the ground!

The clan enjoying a big Thanksgiving dinner.  Even Darwyn ate with us.
Her favorite was Grandma Sandi's candied squash.  

Darwyn wears her new sleeper from Grandma Sandi.

Fall at the river.

The leaves were not as good as Grandma Sandi's candied squash.  Who knew?

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Hailey sprayed by skunk at 9:30pm

I had Hailey out for a late-night walk with Darwyn in the sling.  On the way home she took a skunk full bore.  She never got within two metres of me after the spraying, yet both Darwyn and I stink to high hell.  Stink by proximity, I guess.

Skunk stink is very different when its concentrated on an animal that's standing right next to you as compared to that diffuse smell we all recognize when a skunk sprayed something a mile away.  Smells like burning rubber.

Vibhu unwittingly let Hailey into the house when he arrived home at 10pm.  He was greeted by Greta and myself screaming "GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!"  I'm sure he'll get over it.  It's not you, it's me.  Luckily, Hailey didn't get far before she was shooed back outside.

Vibhu had no idea she had been sprayed.  He didn't even notice a foul smell!  He even pet the bloody stink-ridden dog with his bare hand!!!

Consensus on the internet is that a hydrogen peroxide / baking soda / dish soap solution is the best remedy.  I drove to the nearest 24-hour pharmacy and picked up two litres of hydrogen peroxide.  We forced Vibhu to wash his hand in the solution.  He complained of an intense burning sensation.  Wuss.

Apparently, it's important to treat skunk stench as soon as possible.  We soaked Hailey in the solution at 11pm, in the dark, in our backyard.  She is not pleased with us.  She will be spending the night outside.

Greta bathed Darwyn, for all the good it'll do seeing as how skunk oil is not soluble in water, even with soap.  I washed my hair in the hydrogen peroxide solution before bathing.  All our clothes, Vibhu's clothes, and the ergo-sling went into the washing machine with a healthy dose of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda.

We did not need this right now.  Life is hectic enough already.  Greta, who is definitely NOT a night person, was a great sport about staying up late to help.  On the bright side, at least we don't lead Heidi's life.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Hey you! Enough with the mashed vegetables...I want that sandwich!

We started Darwyn on solid foods (which is to say, we fed her pureed food that was not at all solid) at four months.  She was initially very excited, and approached the new foods with very amusing facial expressions and enthusiasm.  She has now decided that she is somewhat of a food connoisseur, which is a nice way of saying she is picky.

If I am sitting and eating my meal, she will reach for it eagerly, watch my every bite and smack her lips.  I usually jump up at this point, and whip up a nice bowl of pureed cauliflower.    I strap her into her chair and offer her a bite.  She regards the food with distaste and pursed lips.  I make a silly face, bobble my head back and forth and do a little jig.  Eventually she smiles or laughs at my antics and I ram the cauliflower into her mouth before she can close it again.  My daughter has a very sunny temperament and does not cry at my abuse.  Instead she gives me a toothless grin and then blows a raspberry, spraying pureed cauliflower all over my face and shirt.  She laughs gleefully reaches out and topples the bowl on the floor.  Then she looks back at my sandwich and smacks her lips.

Not to make the situation sound too grim.  Darwyn will eat a few select pureed foods, IF she is in the right mood and IF you make a complete idiot of yourself by making all manner of obnoxious noises and faces.  And if the puree is pear, apple or squash.

She is equally picky about breastfeeding.  She eats only if she is (a) on the verge of starvation AND (b) nothing else interesting is happening AND (c) the breast milk is flowing at exactly the right pace.  Otherwise, she arches her back, screams and bites and claws at my nipples.  I stare at this whole scene thinking about the wonderful bond that breastfeeding creates between mother and child.  I think I may wean her soon.

Darwyn's first experience with solids.

The video below is not very good, but it was her first try of pablem!

It seems that the end to the food related frustration is in sight, however.  We recently started giving Darwyn a few genuine solid foods that she can eat herself, including stringy rice noodles.  She largely failed to eat any of these, but found them very entertaining.  We also received a funky new device from Gus's mom that allows us to put chunks of food in a little mesh bag.  Darwyn can suck on the food without risk of choking.  We have stuffed hunks of orange and banana, as well as frozen pear puree ice cubes. inside this baggy.  Darwyn loves it.  She will eat things she wouldn't touch as a puree if you put it in the baggy.  Perhaps I will see if I can somehow incorporate the baggy into our breast feeding routine too.   I might be more successful at enjoying the bond that develops between child and baggy.

Oh well.  As Eyore is fond of saying, we can't all and some of us don't.