Max and Darwyn colouring

Max and Darwyn colouring

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Two babies in a ding

Teela, Merlin, and Viola stopped by our house for a couple nights -- a rest stop on the way to Ottawa to visit Gramma and Grampa James.

Max kept calling Viola by the name "Anne" and we kept correcting him.  He eventually called her "Vai" a couple times.  Perhaps he now understands that Anne is not another word for "baby".

As usual, we barely got our act together to take only a handful of pictures.  Max introduced Viola to his rope swing, which he calls "ding".  Pretty cute.

"This is my ding.  It's MY ding, but you can use it with me for a bit."


  1. Thanks, Christina. It should worky now. (I can't test it on my own machine because I've stubbornly uninstalled Flash player in an act of petty consumer disobedience against redundant and proprietary bloatware.)

    Lesson learned: Never attempt to bulk insert videos and photos simultaneously with Blogger.
