Max and Darwyn colouring

Max and Darwyn colouring

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

More strawberries than you can shake a stick at

Last month (June 27, to be precise) the Gutoski-James clan drove out to Herle's farm for an afternoon of pick-your-own strawberries in the baking midday sun. The strawberries we picked cost $110. We probably would have payed at least $200 for the same amount of strawberries had we not picked them ourselves.

That's a lot of strawberries.
Greta made two strawberry pies and strawberry shortcake. We canned approximately 30 jars of strawberry jam and filled 5-10 freezer bags with strawberries.

Mom loves her strawberries.
We planned the trip so that Max would sleep through most of it in his chariot.  Unfortunately, he slept for only 20 minutes, so we had to tag-team juggle him for the remaining hours.  It slowed down our picking considerably, but we still got all we wanted.


  1. My kids always loved U-picks. Anwyn used to call them "all you can eat strawberries." We picked Saskatoons this week, but only 4 baskets. We rarely pick strawberries at a U-pick now as we have our own. The Saskatoons became canned sauce and frozen berries.

  2. Max definitely seems to agree with Anwyn!
