Max and Darwyn colouring

Max and Darwyn colouring

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Max "masters" potty at a young age - PART 2

The potty saga continues.  The news cold (it has taken me two weeks to get around to writing this) off the press is that Max has finally started asking  to use the potty when he needs to go.  At first, he would only ask if he was not wearing a diaper (and even then, only half the time), but now he asks when fully diapered, even when we are out and about.  When he needs to go, he declares "Boo!" and sometimes even runs to the potty.  He still has many accidents, but we have already cut our diaper use down by more than half.  The past two days he wet only 1 diaper all day! We have decided that is grounds to declare that he is potty trained at 15 months - although most would consider that parental pride more than accuracy.

Max hasn't yet learned how to sit on the potty on his own, however.  He sometimes makes attempts, the most successful of which involve facing the potty and straddling it.  On the less successful attempts he just steps right in. Mother would say he is just like I was at that age....


  1. On that note. I think congratulations are in order to both Max and myself. I can't remember anyone ever declaring me potty trained in any official way, so I'm choosing to celebrate in solidarity with my nephew. Good for us :)

  2. A minor correction. Max can sit himself on the potty. He's done it for me a few times now.

    It goes without saying that Greta and I are immensely relieved at this new development. With any luck he'll be diaper-free by 18 months. Fingers crossed...
