Max and Darwyn colouring

Max and Darwyn colouring

Thursday, December 1, 2011

"Kiss it?"

Like most parents, Greta and I have taken to kissing whichever part of Max's body has been hurt in a tumble.  Like most kids, these kisses ease Max's pain like a tonic.  (Besides which, it's adorable and it's a great excuse to give him kisses.)  Nowadays, whenever Max hurts himself he runs crying to the nearest parent asking, "Kiss it?  Kiss it?"

Today he tripped over the vacuum cleaner and hurt his bum.  (Can you see where this is going?)  I picked up our crying child and said, "Aw.  Did you hurt your bum?"  Max looked up wearily at me with those big blue eyes full of big crocodile tears, barely containing his sobs, and asked if I would "kiss it?"

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