Max and Darwyn colouring

Max and Darwyn colouring

Friday, January 20, 2012

No....I don't want to talk right now....I'd also rather not be a good parent.

Max woke up this morning fussing.  It was only the fake cry.  The one he uses when he wants something.  Gus and I have been waging war against the fake cry, constantly encouraging Max to "use his words."  So, this morning we lay groggily in bed listening to the fake cry and contemplating our fate as parents.  And then the crying stopped and there was a long pause.  Maybe he went back to sleep?  We greatfully closed our eyes to do the same and then, over the monitor we hear "Want to talk about it...."

For those of you that are dying of curiosity, it turns out the issue was a goose that had invaded max's bed.  The goose apparently left....I could find no evidence of his existence.  Maybe he is hanging out with those other late night visitors, bug and duck.


  1. Yes, very scary I know. Although, my sister claims that more children die from Canadian goose attacks than are abducted...
    ( Although, she just made that up, but it seems she and Max see eye to eye.
