Light-hearted news and updates for friends and relatives on the life and times of Greta, Gus, Max, Darwyn, and Ada.
Max and Darwyn colouring
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Ada rolled over today
Oh yeah. We have another baby. She rolled over for the first time today. Somehow we're not waiting with bated breath for Ada to achieve milestones like we perhaps were with previous children. We still love her though.
Inevitable, guess. Both the rolling and the diminished attention. I suppose it is the other side of the coin that makes summers last forever at 5 and fly by at 60... Or is that the same side of a different coin. That probably makes love both sides of all coins, or something.
Inevitable, guess. Both the rolling and the diminished attention. I suppose it is the other side of the coin that makes summers last forever at 5 and fly by at 60... Or is that the same side of a different coin. That probably makes love both sides of all coins, or something.