Max and Darwyn colouring

Max and Darwyn colouring

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Loves like magic

Gus has a guilty pleasure.  It is playing Magic the Gathering.  Unfortunately, he doesn't have many people to play it with.  Luckily for Gus, he recently found someone to play with: his co-worker Ted, who also happens to be Jose's boyfriend.  Jose likes to tease Gus that he will share Ted (for Gus to play magic with) only if Gus does what Jose wants.  This led to no end of jokes regarding the sharing of Ted with Gus....jokes which were, apparently, not completely lost on my then 5-year-olds ears.

Given the (at the time) recent Pride week, I was explaining to my kids about homosexuality and bisexuality.  I explained that some people like to date people of the opposite sex and some people like people of the same sex and that some people like both.

Darwyn: Like Daddy!  Daddy likes both!

Greta: (quite confused)  He does?

Darwyn: Because he is married to you and Ted is his magic boyfriend!

I can't begin to explain the delight and mirth that the phrase "Daddy's magic boyfriend" has caused.

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