Max and Darwyn colouring

Max and Darwyn colouring

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Darwyn crawls

Darwyn has started crawling...I'm a little late posting about it.  She did her first awkward crawling about a month ago, shortly after she turned 7 months old.  I've posted a video of her seasoned crawling! Sorry it is sideways.

It has been a lot of fun watching Darwyn crawl.  I really feel that when babies start to crawl so much more of their personality is revealed.  What has become obvious about Darwyn's personality is her quiet determination.  As a non-moving infant she was so sunny and undemanding...determination did not seem a large part of who she was.  Now that she can move, however, she is capable of pursuing her own interests and she does so with vigor.  She is especially interested in learning to pull herself up to standing and attempts this feat at every opportunity.  She has also been determined to learn to crawl over objects and to walk.  She loves to hold your hand and march across the floor (see video below).  She attempts to learn these skills with a single mindedness I do not recall in Max.  When we are out, Darwyn is quite gregarious.  She crawls up to strangers, climbs up onto their laps and gives them a winning smile.  Then she tries to go for their necklace.....


  1. Wow! Apparently, she has also been bitten by a radioactive spider. Jealous.

  2. For those of us unable to resolve the obscure reference to pop culture, I believe Mike is referring to Spider Man. I think his joke refers to the fact that the video is sideways and so it looks like Darwyn is crawling on the wall, like Spider Man. Thanks, Mike!
