Max and Darwyn colouring

Max and Darwyn colouring

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Mom! They trapped a baby in this plush toy!

We recently (or not so took me awhile to post this) borrowed a large plush block toy for Darwyn from Sue and Jeff.  The toy has a large shape on each side and sings an obnoxious song to go with each one.  Darwyn had little interest in the shapes except for the triangle.  Behind the triangle was a mirror which Darwyn found incredibly fascinating.  I could literally hear what must be going on in her brain, "Mom!  There is a baby in this box......I think I will try to eat it."  At which point Darwyn would bend forward mouth open, and then pull back abruptly again.  "Mom!  This baby is trying to eat me!"  And so it went for a whole hour.  We documented the event with many pictures and a video (see below).

There is something in here.

Kisses for the baby.

Oww...My face!

This is trippy mom.

Help!  I'm trapped in this box.

1 comment:

  1. I can remember having this exact conversation with you about "baby in the mirror" at that age. It is so weird to hear it word for word in the exact tone.

    She is so cute.
